Among the many programs that JFS Orange offers is a program, “Teens Connect.” It is there that we partner with GSA’s throughout the county, supporting youth who identify as LGBTQ and their allies. What are GSA’s? They are after-school clubs; GSA stands for “Gay Straight Alliance.” We are proud to have the support of the […]
The statistics are alarming. 34% of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ. Of this population, 60.8% experience at least one type of victimization while homeless including being: threatened robbed assaulted sexually assaulted raped With an increase being victimized, there is an increase of depressive symptoms and Post Traumatic Stress symptoms. Thankfully, with all of this devastating […]
Elise Gold, JFS Orange; Nadia Allen, Mental Health Association in Orange County; Nolly Climes, Rehabilitation Support Services; Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Darcie Miller, Commissioner of Mental Health and Social Services for Orange County; Peggy Spagnola, MHA Orange and NAMI; Glenn Liebman, Mental Health Association in New York State If you’ve ever heard Assemblymember Aileen Gunther talk, […]
Vicki Bedford brings so much to those she serves It happened so fast. We were offered the opportunity to apply for a grant through the Orange County Office for the Aging in the spring. We applied immediately, were awarded the grant and had to get on board to offer “Health Promotion and Mental Services” for […]
Our agency is a proud member of the AJFCA (the Association of Jewish Family & and Children’s Agencies). I’m happy to share some reflections from the President and CEO’s weekly newsletter. Thank you to Lee I. Sherman, for allowing us to post your words. We certainly share in your sentiments. “Sunday is the 25th anniversary […]
“Where do I go if I want help?” “When did you know that you were ready to come out?” “How do I find out what my parents think of gays, lesbians and trans?” These were questions asked by teens at the Second Annual LGBTQ Conference that JFS Orange helped to organize and sponsor. Through […]