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  • Volunteering for the Friendly Visitor Program enriches one man’s life

    Aug 7,2015


    Patty Hinck, Friendly Visitor Transportation Coordinator of JFS with David Neves

    In 2008, David Neves of Port Jervis was involved in a very bad car accident. By looking at photos, people find it hard to believe that David survived. And survived, he most certainly did! David has a disability which keeps him from being employed, but once he recovered, he knew that he had to give of himself in some way. He was not one to sit in front of the TV all day.

    When asked why he volunteers, David didn’t hesitate. “I’m obligated to help people. It’s not even an option; I need to help as much as I can. As far as chores go, I like to drive. Knowing I help people means a lot.” We wondered what David enjoys about driving people to medical appointments. “I enjoy the company. I strike up a conversation with people who I take. I see them frequently enough, that I get to know them. I am helping people who really need the help. It’s a two way street.” And on a very practical level, David let us know, “to get to a doctor or specialist’s appointment from Port Jervis to Goshen, a cab ride could cost $80. That would be impossible for some to afford. As people get older, they need more medical care; the Friendly Visitor Program is the only way that some people can get to the medical care they need.”

    We’ve confirmed David’s “two way street comment” as one neighbor that David has given rides to offers her experience. “David has been super. We both have disabilities. It means the world to me that even though he is in pain, he gives me rides to my doctors every other week.”

    As far as volunteer recruitment is concerned, David is one of our best voices. He tells others, “If you don’t have a job, and are basically inactive, this will work for you. You can pick and choose your hours. It will give you something to do. And we would rather do something that makes a difference; otherwise we’ll be bored out of our minds.”

    Now, for a little plug! If you’d like to give of yourself by volunteering and have your life enriched at the same time, know that we are looking for volunteers. We are looking for volunteers county-wide. David choses to drive, but know that there are many other volunteer opportunities. Just click the Volunteer tab for more details and our Calendar tab for training dates.