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      ' . $recent["post_title"].'
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  • Sharing appreciation; receiving and expressing!

    Aug 14,2015


    Megan, shining as always with Herman, a valued volunteer

    Evaluations, numbers, percentages, surveys, “units of service”. As a nonprofit that is reliant on grants from foundations and government agencies; these are all terms that roll off our tongues. Reporting makes us accountable and trust me when I tell you; it takes quite a bit of time! “How many people have we served? How many visits did we arrange? How many rides were provided?” You get the picture. But while all of this accountability is happening, what really warms my heart is to know that JFS, its staff and volunteers have touched the heart of people we serve. It’s notes like the one quoted below, that make all of our collective efforts worth while:

    “I’d like to thank Megan and the Friendly Visitor Program for coming to my assistance today when my shoppers were unable to come for my weekly shopping. It’s a blessing to know that your agency always tries to be there for me and assist in making a better quality of life for me.  Please accept my donation of $18.00 (chai=life) to JFS.
    Sincerely, MS”

    It is a poignant time for us, as Megan is leaving the staff of JFS to earn her graduate degree in Social Work. We will deeply miss Megan’s organization, upbeat nature, fresh eyes, technological savvy, limitless energy and infectious smile. We wish her the best as she starts the next exciting chapter in her journey and are ever so grateful for her time with JFS Orange!