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  • Live United

    Jul 2,2015

    2015-16 Funded Nonprofit Partners Annual Meeting

    Agency reps of organizations funded by the United Way of the Dutchess Orange Region

    If you’ve ever had a conversation with me about JFS, I’m sure you have heard our agency’s mission rolling off of my tongue.  We certainly could not work towards attaining our mission if we were in a vacuum.  The work we do involves partnerships.  Collaborations involve working together in a variety of ways.  We are honored to be partners with the United Way of the Dutchess Orange Region.  I learned at a meeting this morning that last year alone, the regional United Way touched the lives of 70,000 people throughout Dutchess and Orange Counties.  That is about one of every ten people; what a tremendous impact!

    There are so many needs out there.  The United Way of the Dutchess Orange Region has come up with a strategy; their efforts are directed to serving people in need focusing on the areas of health, education, income and crisis intervention.  They receive over a hundred requests for funding annually.  United Way is not a funding agency alone.  They offer trainings, days of sharing (goods) and volunteer opportunities.

    How do we partner with the United Way of the Dutchess Orange Region?  By choice, directors of the JFS board and staff members make donations on a regular basis.  Our agency is a proud recipient of a grant; this year to help our Financial Empowerment Program.  The particular program that they funded fits in their “crisis intervention” strategy.  The funding that JFS Orange receives through United Way, as well as funding from other sources, is given as aid to individuals and families in crisis.  We need to be accountable to our donors and partners.  To that end, the application process is quite extensive.  If you know of someone in need, call our agency at 845-341-1173 ext. 312.  If you care to donate to this fund, please click on our “Donations Tab”.  To learn more about the United Way, visit their website: www.uwdor.org  Oh and yes, if you’d like to be reminded of our mission, it is to “empower all people facing challenging times to live with dignity, hope and strength”.