Come “Dine-Around” with us!
Sep 9,2015
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Before his retirement, Rabbi Schwab served on our agency’s Finance Committee. In noticing the challenges that came with this year’s budget, he proposed, “why don’t you hold a Dine-Around? Jewish Family Service used to host these events and they were a lot of fun!” That was the seed. Fast forward many months, a committee took action, we found a date (trust me, given all that is going on, that may have been one of the biggest hurdles to cross), we found wonderful, generous cooks, sent out invitations and the gears are in motion. The Dine Around is set for Sunday, October 18 from 4:45-9:00 p.m.
Perhaps you’ve never heard of such an event. Like the name connotes, people will “dine around” in different venues in Orange County. Rather than having a restaurant experience, people will be hosted by friends of JFS Orange. This year, all of the dining will occur in Goshen. Everyone (and we’re hoping for large numbers), will start off at one home. Appetizers will be served at this first home. It is there that the guests will pick a slip of paper from a hat (perhaps a chef’s hat). That will inform the guests where to go for their entrée. Each home serving entrées will accommodate from 8-12 people; this will provide for a more an intimate dining experience. Then after people have enjoyed their main course, we’ll all reconvene for dessert at another gracious host’s home in Goshen.
Will there be all of the awards, videos and speeches of typical fundraisers? No. Will there be an opportunity to meet some new people, be entertained with lovely music, enjoy a fabulous meal and support the work of JFS at the same time? You bet! Okay, there may be a little speech…but we promise to keep it to a minimum. To find out more and register, please click the “invitation” button on the right side of this website’s home page. Big thanks to our committee members, Ellen Solomon, Deb Pariser, Arlene Solomon Roshko, Suzanne Schindler and Cynthia Weintraub and to all or our hosts who are working on their recipes now. Cheers!