Camp is a “go” this year!
Jun 24,2016
Great news! We learned a couple of weeks ago of a generous financial gift that will enable JFS to hold KidsConnect Camp again this year. The camp is open to children ages 5-18 with any type of disability.
As many of you know, after nine years of programming, funding had been cut. Throughout 2015, we worked tirelessly to secure monies to keep the program alive. Though there have been some gifts, we were far from achieving our goal to offer summer camp. We never said that the program was “discontinued.” We always said that it was, “on hiatus.” We are thrilled that is going to come back to life on weekdays from August 15-August 26.
All of our work in fundraising, applying for grants and asking for support paid off. We now have a challenge. Typically, planning takes about 6 months; this year we have about 6 weeks! All hands are on deck!
Please spread the word. Paula and Megan are available to answer questions at the office on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. They are hiring staff, setting up interviews for campers, arranging for special programs and doing it all with a smile. We celebrate this news with you. Thank you for sharing in our joy!
Contact Paula Blumenau at 341-1173, ext. 305 or