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  • Big Wheels

    May 15,2015

    DSCN3347 edit
    Shannon Wong, Orange County Legislator is with Elise Gold and Doris Rubinsky of JFS about to deliver meals

    “Big Wheels?” you may ask. What is that about? One of the Office for the Aging’s amazing programs is their Senior Dining Program. Each day, volunteers organized by this Orange County department are out delivering meals to seniors. Most of the volunteers have a route of about 12 older adults who they see once a week. Today, administrators and officials from nonprofits and governmental agencies were invited to accompany the volunteers on their routes.

    While it felt awkward to be considered a “big wheel”, I cherished the opportunity to drive with our assigned volunteer, Linda. She shared with us how she’s forged relationships over the years with the people she delivers food to. At times, she may be the only contact they see all day. She’s even noticed a man who was unsteady and made a call. Sure enough, he had to be hospitalized. We chatted with Mary, one of the women who received a delivery. What a nice interaction about her lilacs, Japanese maple tree and concern for a blight that may be affecting her pines. I sincerely appreciate that it wasn’t just the meals that were feeding people. We were part of feeding their need for socialization and their spirit.

    Thank you to the Orange County Office for the Aging for this wonderful program. How reassuring to know that seniors in our community have at least one nutritious, warm meal a day. We are honored to be partners with this governmental agency. Office for the Aging financially supports a major part the JFS Friendly Visitor Program. And as for me, know that I’m really not a big wheel! I try my best to be accessible and I welcome your calls, visits, emails and feedback at any time. I look forward to talking about how we can better help people….and there’s always room in the conversation for the lilacs!