Enjoy the company of friends as we traverse the Goshen area from home to home for appetizers, main courses and desserts.
Ellen Solomon and Arlene Solomon Roshko will welcome you for appetizers
Various hosts will serve main courses
Joel Finkelstein and Bonna Horovitz will host you for desserts
Date: Sunday, October 18, 2015
Time: 4:45 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Minimum donation is $54.00 per person *
RSVP due September 25 (please indicate kashrut or other dietary observance)
Make all checks payable to: Jewish Family Service
Memo: Dine Around
In early October we will send you the address of the home serving appetizers.
Questions? Contact 341-1173 ext. 393 or email info@jfsorange.org
*Donations are tax deductable