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      'publish','numberposts' => 3,'orderby' => 'post_date','order' => 'DESC'); $recent_posts = wp_get_recent_posts($args); foreach( $recent_posts as $recent ){ echo '
    • '.get_the_date('M j, Y', $recent["ID"]).'
      ' . $recent["post_title"].'
    • '; } ?>

  • Welcome

    Jan 21,2015

    As we welcome in 2015, I welcome you to Jewish Family Service of Orange County’s first blog! It is part of our new website. During the past year, we began to change the look of the agency. Our new logo, which we feel is fresh, warm and inviting, reflects the quality of our services. We trust that the website offers you and others a way to learn more about the work of JFS and how you can get involved. I hope that you can share with me in both the excitement about our agency’s new look and the confidence in the consistency of JFS delivering meaningful services.

    When I started to write this blog entry, my thought was to write something very profound. What could be more profound than touching someone’s life? My vision for blogging is to share stories with you.

    A few stories that will be coming soon include:

    • Giving Gene, an 80 year old man whose partner recently passed, tools to make ends meet
    • Connecting Lance, a man with intellectual disabilities who faces isolation, to a more meaningful life
    • Working on coping strategies with Joan; she’s lived a life of family abandonment and multiple health issues

    These stories will shed light on the value of the work at JFS. I’d like for us to dialogue. Please share stories with me. My door is always open. I cherish hearing from you. While we welcome in the New Year, I am honored that we are making change, doing our part in having an impact on our community. Wishing you the best for 2015.


    With gratitude,

