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  • A hole in one

    Jun 25,2015

    mini golfer for the blog

    A mini-golfer enjoying miniature golf!

    The seed was planted was by Suzanne, a member of the Parent Advisory Board and director of the JFS Board.  When we found out about the loss of funds for our KidsConnect Program, the parents rallied.  “How about a fundraiser that includes the children?”  You’ve heard of “Golf Outings”; well, we took this idea to another level.  We hosted a Mini-Golf Fundraiser on Sunday, June 14, and it was indeed a success in more ways than one!

    Thanks to our sponsors (please check out our Donations Page for Corporate Sponsors), parent members of the Advisory Board who worked tirelessly, a group of eager volunteers and well over 100 people that came out, it was a great day indeed.  The event was open to all.  Many families that are part of the KidsConnect Program joined us.  They were grateful that they could go at their own pace and didn’t need to stick around for the entire event.  One family, new to JFS, was absolutely “flawed by the volunteers and staff”.  The great news is, KidsConnect Camp will take place this summer; to that end, applications have been sent out.  Money was raised, awareness about KidsConnect spread and all had a good time.  What more can we ask for?  Oh and yes, a few happy golfers did manage to get a hole in one!

    PS- It’s not too late to make a donation!